The built-in harmonic contour filter removes dissonance between input and effect paths, which helps reduce mud and clutter. ADAPTIVERB uses a revolutionary AI-based bionic sustain re-synthesizer to generate rich, harmonic sustain and noise-free reverb. Now that you’ve “illegally downloaded” Backmask, try this hot tip from Kaajh’Kaalbh: “When I am destroying the sanity of man, I like to apply Backmask at 81% wet and automate the size knob in chaos mode, it really adds to the depth of the horrors I can achieve.” zynaptic ADAPTIVERBĪDAPTIVERB is a revolutionary “reflection-less” reverberation plugin designed to add depth without obscuring the source. No, seriously.įreakshow Industries BACKMASK – Demo Time
Their Backmask processor is a “chaotic reverser plugin that uses government-approved paradox processing technologies to export the hidden terrors of music”, and can be used to “uncover the plots of ghosts, aliens, and other rogue entities.” In addition to buying Backmask at the very reasonable price of $20, you can also steal it directly from their website. They pride themselves on being creators of “subversive and ridiculous audio production effects built for sound designers and experimental music producers.” FREAKSHOW INDUSTRIES BackmaskįREAKSHOW INDUSTRIES is pretty much the greatest company on Earth - at least in this dimension. Sonic Charge currently offers 10 alternative firmwares ranging from wave-shapers to arpeggiators to speech synthesizers. Some plugins are capable of altering audio in ways tha Play VideoĪnd the madness doesn’t stop there - PERMUT8 can be expanded with new functionality through “alternative firmwares”, which allow you to extend or replace its signal processing algorithms.
However, there are a few quirky plugins that don’t quite fit into any category. There are a lot of plugins out there, but most of them fall into a few simple categories: EQs, dynamics processors, time-based effects, saturation or pitch-shifting.